Wednesday, October 13, 2010


In the last two weeks I've been trying to figure out how to find something profitable for me to do. It's not just about finding a job, but also trying to find something that is fulfilling, useful, and that will bring in a little income.

Ideas so far:

  • Childcare - I would like to help stay-at-home mom's. Those who need just an extra pair of hands, or just a few hours down time, so they can relax or run a couple errands without having to keep track of a little one. My thought is that it would be a few hours once a week/once a month. But it would also be scheduled.
  • Housekeeping - This again is more for young mom's who need some extra help during the day. Cleaning the bathroom, doing some laundry, vacuuming, etc. I don't want a full-time schedule for this either. Just when things seem a little overwhelming or you know you can't get to that for a while but it needs to be done.
  • Tutoring - I am a little nervous about this one since I haven't been in school for a few years, but I would love to help. I could help with math (depending on the level), go through flash cards, or just sit with the student for a while and talk through what their learning. I would love to have my home open for high school/college students as well who need someplace other than a coffee shop, home, or campus to study.
With these ideas I see the need for a car or how this can be something that most young families can't afford, but again, they're ideas and something I know I can do.

I want to be with people, building relationships, and benefiting not just students/children, but also families. I don't want to go to the local retail store and just stand behind a counter all day. I've thought about daycare, but I don't feel comfortable with that, it's hard to explain the specific reasons. I have worked briefly for a house cleaning company and though it was a learning experience, I don't intend to go that route. With tutoring, I'd like to do it in my own time, rather than through an agency or school, but I haven't completely ruled that out. I do want to be affordable though.

So there it is. My job ideas. Who knows if it will actually go anywhere. But that is what I like to do and what I want to do.

Friday, October 8, 2010

An Idea...

So, many of you know that I have been an athlete and coach for a long time and have a passion for youth.

For those of you who don't know, I swam on Montavilla Summer Swim League for 6 years, swam a year on Madison High School's swim team, and also competed on Madison's track and field team.

Coaching began with swim team around the age of 19, at Montavilla pool. I was never super into swim team, but enjoyed coaching so much! This passion transitioned over to Madison in an amazing way. I volunteered as an assistant swim coach for just over one season, but had to quit because of college responsibilities.

However, a couple years after that experience, my former track coach, Jon McNulty, contacted me and asked me to coach pole vault and hurdles. I had gone down to the track occasionally to help out and was considering what to do next. I did have more experience with swimming, but I enjoyed the challenge of track when I was on the team and it was very beneficial in developing my character and all the other changes that occur in high school.

I have now coached three track seasons and have been blessed to be a part of the kids lives. It's an amazing thing to see the kids push themselves further, improve, and grow as individuals. I'm happy to have been a part of these kids' lives.

Anyway, all this background information to say that, today, for some reason, I woke up thinking about the kids, the team, and the facilities that they use. This last season was the last year for Madison to host track meets. The track is so horrible. It's been needing repairs and a new surface for years, but the district doesn't have it in the funds to do anything.

I really want to see if there is a way I can help with one of the most influential places in my high school and young adult years.

I'm not sure where to begin. I asked the Athletic Director at MHS if there were any grants we could apply for (my mom said she would be willing to help in that area), but he basically laughed at me and said there was nothing I could do.

So, I think the first step is to talk to Jon again and see if there has been any change since Spring and then start an alumni association or something where people can donate and see what is happening in the track program. Or, put together an event where people can come by and donate, whether it be money or time, to help spruce up the place and potentially open the track again to district meets.

Any other ideas?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Beginning Again

It's been a few years since I've written a blog. Just don't have the patience for it normally...either that or I just don't have a lot to say.

Well, I'm feeling a bit blog-ish today, so here it goes. :)

It seems that the new year's resolution idea really starts in the fall for me. With the change of seasons and school year starting for most people it is a better time to start new least that's what I think...

Anyway, a few of the new 'habits' that I'm trying to develop are

  1. budget
  2. meal planning
  3. exercise

All great things...I just hope that they are things I can continue past Fall 2010.

The budget is really just beginning. Luke and I have been through the course "Financial Peace" by Dave Ramsey, but it didn't seem to be exactly where we were at. My feeling is that he expects you to be making tons of money and have debt so by the time you're out of debt you can put all that extra money into housing or something. The problem is that we don't have debt and we don't make a ton of money. So, we've taken a few of the ideas from Ramsey, like saving up 3-6 months of our expenses in case of emergency, but we're also looking at other ways of doing things.

I read a book, "The Complete Financial Guide for Young Couples" by Larry Burkett which made so much more sense to me, and didn't lord-over the fact that he has money. He simply explains how to manage money. A lot of the principles are the same, just stated in a different manner.

Anyway, all that to say that I'm excited to have our budget coming together. :)

Next is meal planning. I started doing this about two months ago and it has really helped with grocery shopping, our budget, and my sanity. Having a list of dinner ideas keeps me from getting to 5:45pm and realizing, "I'm hungry, now...what am I going to make for dinner..." and then not being able to think clearly enough to: 1. find something healthy and 2. find something at home to eat.

Part of what makes this not just practical, but actually fun too, is throwing in a new recipe once in a while and posting it on my facebook group site: Dinner Ideas.

Last but not least in this 'resolution' list is the exercise.

I have tried working out before, getting on a schedule, working out like crazy, and seeing little to no difference. I decided to go for long term goals this time, and add a few more areas to keep track of.

The four areas are: running time, weight, and the measurements of my hips and waist.

After one month there is improvement in all areas. Not huge in all areas, but improvement. I am up from being able to only run barely 1.5 minutes at a time to around 20 minutes. I'll spare the details of the other improvements, but be assured there are some. :)

So, that's it for now...maybe I'll write again before another 3 years passes by... and if no one reads this it's nice to just send this out into the void.

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void." -You've Got Mail