Trying to think of something to help celebrate Luke's birthday, besides letting him play halo all day, was a bit of a challenge, as it's January and really really wet outside. But we were able to do more than I thought possible.
We began with some hot apple cider and biscuits for breakfast and then he opened his gift from me. A Chicago Cubs hat. If you know anything about Luke, buying him a hat is a big deal, they last forever and he wears it all the time. So, I picked one I didn't mind seeing everyday. :P

For the rest of the day, we went downtown to tour OMSI and see an IMAX movie. When we got there though it seemed everyone else had the same idea. So we thought we'd try finding the Portland Art Museum and, with a little help from my mom, we were able to find it, but no parking. We then wondered over to 23rd to have some hot cocoa at Moonstruck. After all that we decided to give OMSI one more try and we were able to find parking right away. We wondered through most of the exhibits and the 'Hubble' IMAX was great. Getting home a little later than planned we enjoyed some steak for dinner, which Luke barbecued and then the finally of some red velvet cake I had made previously.
Sunday we decided to begin celebrating our anniversary by staying up to the mountain cabin for the night and eating out at Calamity Jane's. Since it had been raining so hard the last few days the creek level was way high. I was a little stressed out and Luke thought it was the best thing ever, taking pictures and videos... a little lesson on the differences between us. :)
If you've made it this far, congratulations, we're nearly done. :)We began with some hot apple cider and biscuits for breakfast and then he opened his gift from me. A Chicago Cubs hat. If you know anything about Luke, buying him a hat is a big deal, they last forever and he wears it all the time. So, I picked one I didn't mind seeing everyday. :P
For the rest of the day, we went downtown to tour OMSI and see an IMAX movie. When we got there though it seemed everyone else had the same idea. So we thought we'd try finding the Portland Art Museum and, with a little help from my mom, we were able to find it, but no parking. We then wondered over to 23rd to have some hot cocoa at Moonstruck. After all that we decided to give OMSI one more try and we were able to find parking right away. We wondered through most of the exhibits and the 'Hubble' IMAX was great. Getting home a little later than planned we enjoyed some steak for dinner, which Luke barbecued and then the finally of some red velvet cake I had made previously.
Our anniversary was really great. We enjoyed some crescents and orange juice for breakfast while sitting by the fire up at the cabin.
After packing up we headed back home to get ready for our evening date out at the Newport Seafood Grill. (yay for gift cards!) It was a nice simple evening to enjoy together, just talking and looking out at the city view.
I am looking forward to the next several years with Luke. These last two have been some of the best, however sometimes challenging, years of my life.