We're beginning to receive "Save the Date" postcards and wedding invitations in the mail, and recently someone said, "In every wedding, something will go wrong." My cousin, who will be getting married next year, then asked, "So, what went wrong at your wedding?" Here are a few things that happened with mine:
1. Luke's tux was too small
2. My maid-of-honor got food poisoning the night before the wedding
3. Our pastor had kidney stones and we weren't sure who was going to be officiating the wedding (He did end up officiating, but was still in a lot of pain)
4. My maid-of-honor's dress didn't arrive until just before we started taking pictures, about 4 hours before the wedding ceremony.
5. The week of our wedding our friend who was making our cake said she couldn't make it anymore. We did some negotiating and were able to get it taken care of, but instead of getting our cake and 300 mini cupcakes, we got our cake and 300 regular cupcakes...SO MUCH leftover cake!
6. I forgot to get straps/sleeves made for my wedding dress (It was originally a strapless dress, I just wanted a little extra embellishment)
7. Our photographer didn't get some of the pictures I thought we'd get.
All in all though, we had a WONDERFUL wedding. So many friends and family showed up to support us, and really, at the end of the day, the important thing to remember is that you're getting married to your best friend. You're about to start your life together and the wedding is just the starting point. It doesn't have to be perfect. Some of the details don't matter.
So, to those of you about to get married and are stressing about how many guests you have coming or that small decorative item that you "need" to have, but just can't seem to find, think about the days, weeks, months, and years after the wedding. You have so much to look forward to! Don't get so caught up in the details that you forget who you're getting married to and why.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
It's OK to be Ordinary
Lately, I've been learning to be content with being "unseen."
When I married Luke, he was the Director of Student Ministries at our church. Everyone knew Luke, so everyone knew me. Before meeting Luke, I was a track coach, a swim coach and teacher, and a LOT of people knew me. It was a bit awkward for me because I am the middle child from a large family and was not really used to being noticed, but at the same time, I didn't mind so much.
Then, as the years passed and jobs/life changed, I have become "invisible" again. I am not a youth pastor's wife, I am not a coach, I'm not the "big name on campus" so to speak. I'm barely even recognized as Luke's wife, Seth's Mom, or even Autumn's Sister. I'm simply a, *shudder* Homemaker or Stay-at-home-mom as some people call it. I don't think I ever thought I'd be "just" a wife and mom. I thought I might have some ministry or impact on lives outside my little bubble, but that's just not the case right now.
I wasn't meaning to go on a rant about how life isn't what I expected it to be, but rather, I want to share about the peace and hope that I am finding in this time in my life.
I've been reading through a book "Anonymous: Jesus' hidden years...and yours" by Alicia Britt Chole. It's about the unseen portions of your life that no one gushes over or applauds. It's the everyday, hum-drum, boring stages of life that we often see as useless and wish we could skip through for the more exciting stages. But I'm learning that those so called "useless" days, weeks, months, and years are actually where we develop our foundation and strength. I'm only a third of the way through the book, but so far it's hit quite a few points that are close to home, especially for a mom of a young child.
I don't know if it's just our culture, but it appears that everyone is striving to be famous. Not just popular in their school, but to become the next YouTube sensation that will be known world wide. However, how many people will know the Rebecca Black song "Friday" in ten years, most people have already forgotten the three year old song and groan at the remembrance of that terrible auto-tune monstrosity.
You don't have to be popular or famous, because the most important person already knows your name, He sees your everyday life. It's OK to be ordinary, this does not mean lazy or unambitious, but it's OK to have times in your life where you're "invisible."
When I married Luke, he was the Director of Student Ministries at our church. Everyone knew Luke, so everyone knew me. Before meeting Luke, I was a track coach, a swim coach and teacher, and a LOT of people knew me. It was a bit awkward for me because I am the middle child from a large family and was not really used to being noticed, but at the same time, I didn't mind so much.
Then, as the years passed and jobs/life changed, I have become "invisible" again. I am not a youth pastor's wife, I am not a coach, I'm not the "big name on campus" so to speak. I'm barely even recognized as Luke's wife, Seth's Mom, or even Autumn's Sister. I'm simply a, *shudder* Homemaker or Stay-at-home-mom as some people call it. I don't think I ever thought I'd be "just" a wife and mom. I thought I might have some ministry or impact on lives outside my little bubble, but that's just not the case right now.
I wasn't meaning to go on a rant about how life isn't what I expected it to be, but rather, I want to share about the peace and hope that I am finding in this time in my life.
I've been reading through a book "Anonymous: Jesus' hidden years...and yours" by Alicia Britt Chole. It's about the unseen portions of your life that no one gushes over or applauds. It's the everyday, hum-drum, boring stages of life that we often see as useless and wish we could skip through for the more exciting stages. But I'm learning that those so called "useless" days, weeks, months, and years are actually where we develop our foundation and strength. I'm only a third of the way through the book, but so far it's hit quite a few points that are close to home, especially for a mom of a young child.
I don't know if it's just our culture, but it appears that everyone is striving to be famous. Not just popular in their school, but to become the next YouTube sensation that will be known world wide. However, how many people will know the Rebecca Black song "Friday" in ten years, most people have already forgotten the three year old song and groan at the remembrance of that terrible auto-tune monstrosity.
You don't have to be popular or famous, because the most important person already knows your name, He sees your everyday life. It's OK to be ordinary, this does not mean lazy or unambitious, but it's OK to have times in your life where you're "invisible."
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
A Simple Gift
I have this bulletin board hanging in our hallway that has piqued the interest of nearly every person that has come over. And since it was such fun to make I thought I'd share my (pinterest.com) idea.
Two months ago Luke and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and Luke's 30th birthday. Since I really wanted to focus on Luke's milestone birthday our anniversary kinda took a backseat. Except for one thing. I made a special gift to help us celebrate all year long.
I gathered 52 date night ideas, printed off blank gift certificates, and organized a date night once a week for the entire year. Thanks to some help from http://www.thedatingdivas.com/ and http://justsomethingimade.com/2010/12/last-minute-gift-coupons-free-printables/ It was a lot of fun finding dates that we could do on a budget.
The week of our Anniversary, I was so excited to give Luke this brightly colored stack of envelopes, each filled with a month's worth of date nights. I had initially planned to wait 'til after his birthday to give them to him, but I think I only made it to 8am, Monday morning, his birthday was Wednesday, our anniversary, Friday. Still, Luke was thrilled with the idea, and eagerly opened the first envelope.
Now, there is one rule to the date night envelopes: We can only complete the dates nights up to the current month. Meaning, since it's March, we are able to pick and choose which dates we can do out of the January through March envelopes. But we can't take a date from August to do this month. So far we've completed 9 of the first 13 weeks. Not bad for it being the 12th week of the year.
By now I hope you're a little curious as to what exactly is in these envelopes. So, I've copied the list here for you! Feel free to steal the ideas, they're not completely original, but they're still fun for us.
My next project is to update that bulletin board with some spray paint and maybe some fabric. :D
Two months ago Luke and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and Luke's 30th birthday. Since I really wanted to focus on Luke's milestone birthday our anniversary kinda took a backseat. Except for one thing. I made a special gift to help us celebrate all year long.
I gathered 52 date night ideas, printed off blank gift certificates, and organized a date night once a week for the entire year. Thanks to some help from http://www.thedatingdivas.com/ and http://justsomethingimade.com/2010/12/last-minute-gift-coupons-free-printables/ It was a lot of fun finding dates that we could do on a budget.
The week of our Anniversary, I was so excited to give Luke this brightly colored stack of envelopes, each filled with a month's worth of date nights. I had initially planned to wait 'til after his birthday to give them to him, but I think I only made it to 8am, Monday morning, his birthday was Wednesday, our anniversary, Friday. Still, Luke was thrilled with the idea, and eagerly opened the first envelope.
Now, there is one rule to the date night envelopes: We can only complete the dates nights up to the current month. Meaning, since it's March, we are able to pick and choose which dates we can do out of the January through March envelopes. But we can't take a date from August to do this month. So far we've completed 9 of the first 13 weeks. Not bad for it being the 12th week of the year.
By now I hope you're a little curious as to what exactly is in these envelopes. So, I've copied the list here for you! Feel free to steal the ideas, they're not completely original, but they're still fun for us.
1 – Thrift store shop for a "new" game
2 – Double date to see The Hobbit
3 – Make doughnuts!
4 – Have a Chicago themed dinner
5 – Enjoy a homemade dessert by candle light (no
computer, phone, or television!)
6 – Start a project together
7 – Play a board game
8 – Buy a book and read it together
9 – “Spa” Date: Bubble bath, lotion, foot/back massage,
and dessert
10 – Play a video game together
11 – Go on a dress-up dinner date
12 – Movie marathon: LOTR, Pride & Prejudice,
Bourne, Pirates, Ocean’s, Iron Man, X-Men, etc.
13 – Write a prayer list and pray together
14 – Do a puzzle together
15 – Go out for coffee at a local coffee shop
16 – Rent a Redbox movie and grab some theater candy
and a soda – Enjoy!
17 – Write a love note to each other. Exchange or read
to each other.
18 – Bed & Breakfast – go for a one night hotel
19 – Find a new kind of Root Beer you haven't tried before and make some floats
20 – Enjoy some late night nachos and conversation
21 – Buy a few flowers and putter in the garden
22 – Go out for Chinese food
23 – Pretend to be a tourist in your home town
24 – Flamingo a friend’s yard
25 – Go for a short hike up the Columbia River Gorge and kiss under a
water fall
26 – Pack a picnic dinner and go to a nearby park,
don’t forget lawn Yahtzee
27 – Go to a local bakery, buy two cookies, and go for
a walk along the Springwater Trail
28 – Go to a Drive-In movie
29 – Go to the Berry Festival
30 – Build a fort and enjoy a book together
31 – Go putt-putt golfing
32 – Pick one thing to do from the “100 things to do
33 – Flicks on the Bricks night!
34 – Golf at McMenamins Edgefield
35 - Stargaze from the patio
36 – Go to the Dollar Tree and "surprise" each other with
a gift
37 – Pick a date from the last few months and have a
38 – Pull out our wedding album and reminisce
39 – Light some candles, turn on some soft music, and
dance together
40 – Walk around downtown Gresham
41 – Double date to The Truffle Hunter
42 – Play a card game
43 – Begin brainstorming Christmas gifts
44 – Enjoy a hot cup of tea on the patio
45 – Wendy's Frosty night!
46 – Head to Edgefield, try a new drink and share an
47 – Search ebay together showing toys and other items
that were special in childhood
48 – Go to Portland's Saturday Market and get a Voodoo doughnut
49 – Christmas shop for Seth
50 – Take a drive and look at Christmas lights
51 – Wander through the Troutdale antique stores
52 – Remember the dates we went on and share about our
favorite moments
My next project is to update that bulletin board with some spray paint and maybe some fabric. :D
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Potty Training
So, apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. Here I am attempting to train my 18 month old how to use the toilet.
We've been working at it for a while. A few months ago we started simply by sitting him on the potty, just so he would learn not to be scared of it. He would cry the first few times, I'd hug him and keep him there for no more than a few seconds. We then decided to move his diaper changing "station" to the bathroom so he'd start connecting diaper changes with going potty.
A little over a month ago we got a little toilet seat that sits on the toilet. We began to sit Seth on the toilet after nearly every diaper change. Occasionally he would actually "go" on the potty, usually with the help of the sound of running water (we'd turn on the faucet briefly).
Lately, we've been so encouraged with his progress. We're obviously going the slow route. He's not able to either take his pants/diaper off or climb up on the toilet on his own. But recently something's clicked for him. He will go poop in the toilet! We rarely have to change a poopy diaper anymore! We're still working on getting him to the bathroom when he has to go pee. He's gotten the idea that he needs to go use the toilet when his diaper is full, but not before... Even so, I am SO happy with his current progress.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out when we'll start using big boy underwear and move away from diapers during the day. My thoughts right now are to wait until he can pull his pants off or communicate he needs to go potty...Or start using the underwear a couple hours in the afternoon to get him used to the feeling of underwear rather than diapers.
Yes, I am bragging a bit, but I'm not trying to say my way is the best way, I'm still learning how potty training a toddler is supposed to work. I also only have one child that I am taking care of and I can sit for 15+ minutes in the bathroom with Seth waiting for him to be done. Sometimes this means reading several books, blowing bubbles, and playing peek-a-boo to keep him sitting on the toilet, but it's what works for now.
I don't really want to resort to giving him treats for using the toilet, and so far just saying, "Yay, Seth!" when he goes, is working. But I'm sure there is going to be some point in this process that I'll be cleaning up the floor, for what seems the millionth time, and wondering if he'll ever be fully potty trained.
I'm also learning through this that diapers are really convenient. I don't have to worry when the last time he went was when we're out and about. But diapers are also really expensive, kind of a big reason I wanted to start potty training now. Also, Seth seemed to be ready and he's doing well with the process.
So, that's a little glimpse into what's happening here.
We've been working at it for a while. A few months ago we started simply by sitting him on the potty, just so he would learn not to be scared of it. He would cry the first few times, I'd hug him and keep him there for no more than a few seconds. We then decided to move his diaper changing "station" to the bathroom so he'd start connecting diaper changes with going potty.
A little over a month ago we got a little toilet seat that sits on the toilet. We began to sit Seth on the toilet after nearly every diaper change. Occasionally he would actually "go" on the potty, usually with the help of the sound of running water (we'd turn on the faucet briefly).
Lately, we've been so encouraged with his progress. We're obviously going the slow route. He's not able to either take his pants/diaper off or climb up on the toilet on his own. But recently something's clicked for him. He will go poop in the toilet! We rarely have to change a poopy diaper anymore! We're still working on getting him to the bathroom when he has to go pee. He's gotten the idea that he needs to go use the toilet when his diaper is full, but not before... Even so, I am SO happy with his current progress.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out when we'll start using big boy underwear and move away from diapers during the day. My thoughts right now are to wait until he can pull his pants off or communicate he needs to go potty...Or start using the underwear a couple hours in the afternoon to get him used to the feeling of underwear rather than diapers.
Yes, I am bragging a bit, but I'm not trying to say my way is the best way, I'm still learning how potty training a toddler is supposed to work. I also only have one child that I am taking care of and I can sit for 15+ minutes in the bathroom with Seth waiting for him to be done. Sometimes this means reading several books, blowing bubbles, and playing peek-a-boo to keep him sitting on the toilet, but it's what works for now.
I don't really want to resort to giving him treats for using the toilet, and so far just saying, "Yay, Seth!" when he goes, is working. But I'm sure there is going to be some point in this process that I'll be cleaning up the floor, for what seems the millionth time, and wondering if he'll ever be fully potty trained.
I'm also learning through this that diapers are really convenient. I don't have to worry when the last time he went was when we're out and about. But diapers are also really expensive, kind of a big reason I wanted to start potty training now. Also, Seth seemed to be ready and he's doing well with the process.
So, that's a little glimpse into what's happening here.
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