So, apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. Here I am attempting to train my 18 month old how to use the toilet.
We've been working at it for a while. A few months ago we started simply by sitting him on the potty, just so he would learn not to be scared of it. He would cry the first few times, I'd hug him and keep him there for no more than a few seconds. We then decided to move his diaper changing "station" to the bathroom so he'd start connecting diaper changes with going potty.
A little over a month ago we got a little toilet seat that sits on the toilet. We began to sit Seth on the toilet after nearly every diaper change. Occasionally he would actually "go" on the potty, usually with the help of the sound of running water (we'd turn on the faucet briefly).
Lately, we've been so encouraged with his progress. We're obviously going the slow route. He's not able to either take his pants/diaper off or climb up on the toilet on his own. But recently something's clicked for him. He will go poop in the toilet! We rarely have to change a poopy diaper anymore! We're still working on getting him to the bathroom when he has to go pee. He's gotten the idea that he needs to go use the toilet when his diaper is full, but not before... Even so, I am SO happy with his current progress.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out when we'll start using big boy underwear and move away from diapers during the day. My thoughts right now are to wait until he can pull his pants off or communicate he needs to go potty...Or start using the underwear a couple hours in the afternoon to get him used to the feeling of underwear rather than diapers.
Yes, I am bragging a bit, but I'm not trying to say my way is the best way, I'm still learning how potty training a toddler is supposed to work. I also only have one child that I am taking care of and I can sit for 15+ minutes in the bathroom with Seth waiting for him to be done. Sometimes this means reading several books, blowing bubbles, and playing peek-a-boo to keep him sitting on the toilet, but it's what works for now.
I don't really want to resort to giving him treats for using the toilet, and so far just saying, "Yay, Seth!" when he goes, is working. But I'm sure there is going to be some point in this process that I'll be cleaning up the floor, for what seems the millionth time, and wondering if he'll ever be fully potty trained.
I'm also learning through this that diapers are really convenient. I don't have to worry when the last time he went was when we're out and about. But diapers are also really expensive, kind of a big reason I wanted to start potty training now. Also, Seth seemed to be ready and he's doing well with the process.
So, that's a little glimpse into what's happening here.