Grab a cup of tea...this is a long one! :)
"So, are you settled in?" This seems to be the second most asked question lately, squished closely behind,' How are you?'
We're as settled as we can be, we generally know how to get around, and our apartment is a nice space. I still feel strange living in an apartment that isn't our own, But it has been a blessing living as close as we do to the Emry's and the church.
We're well into our second month here and it's been a journey. From being sick with one thing or another, a small flood in our apartment, and just the general adjustment of life in Yamhill, you'd think we've been here for years. :) I don't handle a lot of change gracefully and I've been sick with something nearly the entire two months. I'm hoping that since our schedule is becoming more predictable that I will continue to get healthy.
As for that small flood I mentioned...The apartment we're living in is a newly built space on the back of the Emry's (Duane is the main preaching pastor at Yamhill Christian Church) garage. It was originally built for Duane's dad, but he decided he wasn't ready to move yet. So, we get the blessing of breaking it in and finding anything that may need to be repaired. There really hasn't been that many problems, but last week the washer had it's moment.
I was sitting at the computer waiting for the laundry to be done, when I hear water running. I didn't think much of it at first, cause I had put in a load not long before. But I thought I should get up and check it out after about a minute, it just sounded a little different. Then *slosh* my feet were pretty well soaked. I couldn't reach the water valves behind the washer/dryer unit, so I called Luke, "You need to be home, like NOW."
He was able to shut it off and brought out our wonderful Rainbow vacuum cleaner to suck up the water. Turns out the hose on the back of the washer was cracked. Got a new hose and no problem. Only some clothes got wet and had to air dry our living room rug, but for the most part, things were pretty safe.
Beyond home life, youth group is going well. We meet Wednesday and Sunday evenings. If you could keep us in your prayers those days, we would be so grateful. They can be some of the most difficult days. (Did I mention the flood from the washer was on a Wednesday? An that I usually get sick just before Sundays?)
I'd go into more detail about youth group and our ministry here, but I'll save that for my next blog. I've kept you long enough. :)
Glad things are going well for the most part. : )